Indian Consulate in New York holds Eid celebrations

Special citations from the State of New York were presented to IMC's founding member Ilayas Quraishi and others during the event

From left, Ahmed Shakir, Ilayas Quraishi, Sibu Nair, Kashif Hussain, Yusuf Salaam, Jenifer Rajkumar delivering remarks at the Consulate General of India in New York on April 21, 2024. / News India Times Photo Credit: CGNY

The Indian Muslim Community (IMC) of NY/NJ/CT hosted Eid Celebrations 2024 at the Consulate General of India (CGI) in New York on Apr.21. 

The event began with a Quran recitation and translation by Sumayya Ahmed. Following that, Dr. Varun Jeph, the Acting Consul General of India in New York, gave a speech highlighting the cultural significance of Eid in India. He emphasized that the festival reflects the nation's composite culture, which has been there for millennia, and its unity in diversity.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who was unable to attend in person, expressed his sincere wishes through a video message, highlighting the importance of unity in love and faith in these difficult times marked by division and bigotry.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer addressing the audience via his video message. / CGI

New York State Assemblywoman Jenifer Rajkumar, announced her efforts to empower the Muslim community in New York through initiatives such as expanding halal food options in public schools and ensuring the allowance of the Muslim call to prayer

Special citations from the State of New York were presented to IMC's founding member Ilayas Quraishi and others, recognizing their contributions to the community. Quraishi expressed humility and gratitude for the community's support in preserving the tradition of celebrating Eid at the CGI in New York.


Ilayas Quraishi receiving New York State Assembly’s special citation from Jenifer Rajkumar at the Consulate General of India in New York on April 21, 2024. / CGI

Reflecting on the journey of Indian Muslims in the United States, Quraishi emphasized the shared humanity and values of compassion, generosity, and unity that Eid represents. He acknowledged the responsibility of representing over 200 million Indian Muslims and Indian American Muslims in the United States.

New York State Senator John Liu acknowledged the significant Muslim population in India and the thriving Indian American community in New York, emphasizing the importance of unity and solidarity. Councilman Yusef Salaam highlighted the symbolic significance of Eid, representing gratitude, brotherhood, and unity among Muslims worldwide.

Cultural Ghazal and Drums performance entertained the full house at the Consulate / CGI

Deputy Public Advocate Kashif Hussain expressed gratitude for the invitation and presented citations from the New York Public Advocate to community members for their contributions.

The event also received messages of support from New York Governor Kathy Hochul and presentations from various community leaders, including Sibu Nair, Deputy Director of Asian American Affairs for New York State.


IMC’s core committee members along with Dr. Varun Jeph, Jenifer Rajkumar, Yusuf Salaam and representatives of New York State Governor, New York City Mayor, and New York City Public Advocate at the Consulate General of India in New York on April 21, 2024. / CGI

The celebrations featured a diverse range of cultural performances, including explanations of Eid's significance, ghazal performances, traditional drumming, and stand-up comedy, showcasing the rich cultural heritage of the Indian Muslim community.









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