Two Indian American authors named Tin House Scholars

Indian origin Mysore and Gupta are young fiction writers working on their new novel

New York-based Tin House publisher named Indian American writers Meghana Mysore and Nitya Gupta as the 2023 Tin House Summer Scholars along with eighteen other writers.

(L to R) Meghana Mysore and Nitya Gupta. Image - Meghana Mysore and Tin House

A Portland, Oregon resident Mysore is a 2022-2023 Steinbeck Fellow in creative writing. A Bread Loaf-Rona Jaffe Scholar in Fiction and a Mendocino Coast Writers’ Conference Scholar, she has also received recognition from the Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing and The de Groot Foundation, according to her profile. She has written seven novels and is working on two more including one on an Indian American family in the US. Apart from fiction, she has written many essays and poems.

Mysore graduated from Yale University and has an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from Hollins University. Recipient of several literary awards, Mysore is working on a novel exploring three generations of a South Indian American family, according to her website.

A fiction writer, Gupta is currently an MFA candidate at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. She was a finalist for the 2022 Jesmyn Ward Fiction Prize and was shortlisted for the 2023 DISQUIET Literary Prize. Her work has appeared in Michigan Quarterly Review and Grist Journal, bio reads. She lives in Chicago and holds a B.A. in English from the University of Michigan.

On receiving the scholarship, Mysore said “This support for my novel about a South Indian American family—their dreams, heartbreaks, desires and joys—means the world to me. Thankful for the community of brilliant artists I found here.”

The Tin House announced twenty-one scholarships (across genres) under nine categories. 2023 Tin House Summer Scholars named under General Scholarship with eight scholars, BIPOC Scholarship with six scholars anda scholar selected under First Conference Scholarship, Debut 40 Scholarship, Oregon Scholarship, Scholarship for Indigenous Writers, Scholarship for Trans Writers, Without Borders Scholarship and The Carol Shields Prize Foundation Scholarship for Indigenous Women and Non-Binary Writers categories.









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