HCNJ conducts free health screening and prevention camp

HCNJ has provided screening to more than 12,500 needy people in South Asian communities.

Several community organizations participated in the fair / Images-HCNJ

Health Camp of New Jersey (HCNJ) recently organised its annual health fair at Sri Venkateswara Temple, Balaji Mandir Community Center in Bridgewater, NJ.Over 200 people availed the benefits of various health screening, disease prevention, education and counselling services at the fair, which was open to all pre-registered participants who are uninsured or underinsured.

The comprehensive health screening included blood tests, EKG, vision screening for glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy, physical examination, cardiology evaluation, pharmacy and dietary counselling, various types of cancer screening and prevention education, said a release issued by HCNJ.

The physicians, dentists, mental health providers and various specialities of internal medicine, cardiology, endocrinology, GI, haematology and allied health specialists such as dietary and nutritional specialists, pharmacists, phlebotomists, EKG techs, medical assistants, nurses, social workers and medical students provided their services to screen and educate patients on various chronic diseases abnormalities, cancer screening and education specifically targeted to the South Asian population, the release said.

Community and health care volunteer and government organizations including the RWJ Barnabas Health – Somerset, LabCorp, NJ Commission for the Blind, Screen NJ – Somerset County & New Jersey Department of Health, Legacy Pharmacy, Ritesh Shah Charitable Pharmacy, SAMHIN, Zufall Health and many other organizations provided their services during the fair.

Health Camp of New Jersey is a non-profit organization which has been organizing health fairs at this location to benefit needy people in the South Asian community since 1999. The nonprofit has provided screening to more than 12,500 needy people in South Asian communities throughout the state and detected more than 3,900 chronic disease abnormalities. HCNJ will celebrate their 25th-anniversary gala event on November 19, 2023.









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