MakeMyTrip, India's leading online travel company, has partnered with Microsoft to introduce voice-assisted booking in Indian languages on its platform. The partnership is anticipated to enhance the accessibility of the platform to customers all over India, making it more inclusive.
Sanjay Mohan, MakeMyTrip's Chief Technology Officer (CTO), stated that generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to transform how people plan their travel and enable MakeMyTrip to serve its customers better. He explained that generative AI can summarise content from a large database, build conversational capabilities, and add voice to the entire flow of booking, especially in Indian languages. This move is expected to improve accessibility for users with disabilities and make travel services more accessible.
MakeMyTrip has a lot of reviews written by users for different types of hotels. They are using generative AI to give a summary of the reviews and suggest other reviews from customers who stayed in similar hotels to help users make better decisions.
MakeMyTrip is creating chatbots to make travel bookings easier for customers. These bots work alongside human agents, helping to assess customer needs and customise their travel packages. MakeMyTrip selected Microsoft Azure as its platform for AI solutions because it offers voice-to-text, text-to-voice, and vernacular language capabilities through Azure Cognitive Services.
The collaboration is expected to open up the industry to new audiences and improve the productivity and efficiency of human agents. With this move, MakeMyTrip is setting a new standard for the travel industry and demonstrating its commitment to inclusivity and accessibility. This development is significant, considering the diversity of languages spoken across India and the need to cater to a broader audience.
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