During the festive season of Diwali and Halloween, a grandmother, living in the US, captivates her twin grandsons with a remarkable tale, who are enthusiastic followers of comic superheroes characters. She skillfully employs comics metaphors, establishing connections to significant figures in the Ramayana such as Rama, Lakshmana, Sita, Hanuman, and Raavana.
Date and Time : 4th Nov, 2023, 6.30 PM & 5th November 2023, 2.00 PM
Venue: EVT, 4490 E. University Ave. Georgetown, TX 78626.
Event Chair and Organizer : Charu Kaushal
BGM composition : Aabir Sen (Studio Your Platform)
Choreography : Margi Mehta, Neha Raste, Rohit Ramachandran, Varsha Jawadekar
Music and Tracks : Vikas Kaushal
Stage management : Anshul Singhal, Tania Mukherjee
Photoshoots and Videography : Srivas Venkatesh
Costumes and Props : Usha Iyer, IJ Kaushal
Planning and Marketing : Tania, Shruti, Charu, Mumal, Syed
Producer : Prakash Mohandas
Script, Dialogue and Direction : Prasenjit Biswas
For Event details and Sponsorship contact #713-301-1358,
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